- Acute Mortality in Hospitalized Patients Undergoing Echocardiography With and Without an Ultrasound Contrast Agent; Results in 18,671 Consecutive Studies
By Lisa L. Kusnetzky, BA, et al
JACC - Acute Mortality in Hospitalized Patients Undergoing Echocardiography With and Without an Ultrasound Contrast Agent (Multicenter Registry Results in 4,300,966 Consecutive Patients)
By Michael L. Main, MD, et al
The American Journal of Cardiology - A Retrospective Comparison of Mortality in Critically Ill Hospitalized Patients Undergoing Echocardiography With and Without an Ultrasound Contrast
By Sue Ann C. Ness, et al
JACC Cardiovascular Imaging - Safety of Contrast Agent Use During Stress Echocardiography: A 4-Year Experience
From a Single-Center Cohort Study of 26,774 Patients
By Sahar S. Abdelmoneim, et al
JACC Cardiovascular Imaging - Safety of Ultrasound Contrast Agents in Stress Echocardiography
By Ruvin S. Gabriel, MD, et al
The American Journal of Cardiology - Ultrasound contrast agents: balancing safety versus efficacy
By Michael L Main, et al
Expert Opinion - Ultrasound Contrast Agent Safety: From Anecdote to Evidence
By Michael L. Main
JACC Cardiovascular Imaging - Safety of Contrast Administration for Endocardial Enhancement During Stress Echocardiography Compared With Noncontrast Stress
By Kamran Shaikh, MD, et al
The American Journal of Cardiology - Safety of Contrast in Stress Echocardiography in Stable Patients and in Patients With Suspected Acute Coronary Syndrome but Negative 12-Hour Troponin
By Brijesh Anantharam, MBBS, MRCP, et al
The American Journal of Cardiology - Safety of Contrast Agent Use During Stress Echocardiography in Patients With Elevated Right Ventricular Systolic Pressure: A Cohort Study
By Sahar S. Abdelmoneim, et al
Circulation; Cardiovascular Imaging; Journal of the American Heart Association - Thinking Outside the “Box”; The Ultrasound Contrast Controversy
By Michael L. Main, et al
JACC - Meta-Analysis of Adverse Cardiovascular Events Associated With Echocardiographic Contrast Agents
By Owais A. Khawaja, M.D. et al
The American Journal of Cardiology - Cumulative Exposure to Ionizing Radiation From Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cardiac Imaging Procedures: A Population-Based Analysis
By Jersey Chen, et al
JACC - Intraoperative Contrast Echocardiography with Intravenous Optison Does Not Cause Hemodynamic Changes During Cardiac Surgery
By Joachim M. Erb, MD, DEAA, et al
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography - Ionizing Radiation in Cardiac Imaging. A Science Advisory From the American Heart Association Committee on Cardiac Imaging of the Council on Clinical Cardiology and Committee on Cardiovascular Imaging and Intervention of the Council of Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention
By Thomas C. Gerber, et al
Circulation; Cardiovascular Imaging; Journal of the American Heart Association - Impact of Contrast Echocardiography on Evaluation of Ventricular Function and Clinical Management in a Large Prospective Cohort
By Mustafa Kurt, et al
JACC - 2010 Changes: The Latest Revisions to the ICAEL Standards
Intersocietal Commission for Accreditation of Echocardiography Laboratories< - Parker JM, Weller MW, Feinstein LM, et al. Safety of ultrasound contrast agents in patients with known or suspected cardiac shunts. Am J Cardiol (2013) 112(7):1039–1045
- Wei K, Mulvagh SL, Carson L, et al. The safety of Definity and Optison for ultrasound image enhancement: a retrospective analysis of 78,383 administered contrast doses. J Am Soc Echocardiogr (2008) 21(11):1202–1206
Body Imaging
- Safety of Sulfur Hexafluoride Microbubbles in Sonography of Abdominal and Superficial Organs: Retrospective Analysis of 30,222 Cases. Tang C, Fang K, Guo Y, Li R, Fan X, Chen P, Chen Z, Liu Q, Zou Y. J Ultrasound Med. (2017) Mar;36(3):531-538
- Piscaglia F, Bolondi L (2006) The safety of Sonovue in abdominal applications: retrospective analysis of 23188 investigations. Ultrasound Med Biol 32(9):1369–1375
- Jakobsen JA, Oyen R, Thomsen HS, Morcos SK, Members of Contrast Media Safety Committee of European Society of Urogenital Radiology. Safety of ultrasound contrast agents. Eur Radiol (2005) 15(5):941–945
- Safety of intravenous application of second-generation ultrasound contrast agent in children: prospective analysis. Piskunowicz M, Kosiak W, Batko T, Piankowski A, Połczyńska K, Adamkiewicz-Drożyńska E., Ultrasound Med Biol. 2015 Apr;41(4):1095-9
- Safety of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in children for non-cardiac applications: a review by the Society for Pediatric Radiology (SPR) and the International Contrast Ultrasound Society (ICUS). Darge K, Papadopoulou F, et al (2013). Pediatr Radiol. 2013 Sep;43(9):1063-73
- Contrast-enhanced voiding urosonography with intravesical administration of a second-generation ultrasound contrast agent for diagnosis of vesicoureteral reflux: prospective evaluation of contrast safety in 1,010 children.Papadopoulou F et al. Pediatr Radiol. 2014 Jun;44(6):719-28
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