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Case Title: CEUS in inflammatory bowel Disease

Patient History: 42 y/o Male presents with abdominal pain. What is the Cause?  r/o IBD

Thanks to:

Dr Stephanie R. Wilson
Christina Merrill
University of Calgary

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IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A Greyscale movie of a loop of thickened terminal ileum

QUESTION: What is the most common indicator of Inflammatory Bowel Disease on ultrasound, shown here?

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IMAGE DESCRIPTION: (A sagittal picture of a loop of bowel showing little to no colour Doppler imaging)

QUESTION: Can you determine disease activity in this case?

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IMAGE DESCRIPTION: a sagittal image of a bowel loop after the addition of a MBCA

QUESTION: What do you see?

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IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Objective measurement of a loop of small bowel using quantification software in Logarithmic and Linear Scale

QUESTION: What do you see?

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