Case Title: Kidney- What is that Mass?

Patient History: 63y/o female referred for a liver ultrasound. Incidental finding of a RT renal Mass

Thanks to:

Dr Stephanie R. Wilson
Christina Merrill
University of Calgary

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IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Axial and Sagittal greyscale Images of the RT kidney showing a well-defined hyperechoic mass.

QUESTION: What do you think this is?

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IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A movie of the RT kidney showing Washin of a microbubble contrast agent focusing on the mass (arrow). There are residual bubbles from a previous injection at the beginning of the scan.

QUESTION: What are the observations in the Arterial Phase?

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IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A CEUS image of the RT Kid at 2min, shows similar relative enhancement of the mass to the kidney as in the Arterial Phase image, ie. hypoenhancement.

QUESTION: What is your diagnosis?

Your score is

The average score is 36%
