Our Expertise
Wilson Mathias, Jr.
The University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine Av. Dr. Eneas de Carvalho Aguiar, 44Cerqueira Cesar Sao Paolo – SP – Brasil 05403-000

Dr. Mathias has a broad background in cardiology and echocardiography. His special research interests are in Stress and Contrast Echocardiography. He has published over 230 original papers, and his work was cited over 3.000 times in national and international medical journals. In the first ever multicenter trial on Echocardiography, he was among those who laid the groundwork for the use in stress echocardiography in clinical practice, as well as carried out several research projects with the use of contrast echocardiography and currently, he is a clinical investigator in the field of sonothrombolysis. He is a consultant of FAPESP (São Paulo State Research Agency) and ANVISA (Brazilian National Agency for Sanitary Vigilance), and a co-founder of the International Society of Contrast Ultrasound.