Our Expertise
Stephanie Wilson
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB Canada

Dr. Wilson runs one of the most advanced CEUS facilities in the world and is an internationally recognized expert in the use of CEUS for characterization of focal liver tumors and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). She has promoted the increased utilization and adoption of CEUS for the benefit of all patients at risk for deadly liver cancers. She has led extensive clinical studies evaluating the use of ultrasound contrast agents in radiology, including liver mass characterization, and shared two Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) grants for the investigation of ultrasound contrast agents for radiology practice in Canada. Dr. Wilson and her team perform several thousand CEUS examinations yearly, including approved and off-label uses, and have Letters of No Objection from Health Canada for off-label research related to evaluation of the vasa vasorum in carotid artery plaque and monitoring disease activity with CEUS in patients with IBD. Dr. Wilson also served as the first woman president of the Canadian Association of Radiologists.