Our Expertise
Roxy Senior
Professor of Clinical Cardiology
Royal Brompton Hospital and Imperial College – London

Dr. Senior is Professor of Cardiology at NHLI, Imperial College, London; Consultant Cardiologist and Director of Echocardiography at the Royal Brompton Hospital, London; and Consultant Cardiologist and Director of Cardiac Research, Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow. Dr. Senior has worked with microbubbles since 1994 and has been involved in the development of commercially-available contrast agents from LV opacification to myocardial perfusion imaging, including leading large multicentre studies. Dr. Senior popularised the clinical use of contrast agents for myocardial perfusion imaging during stress echocardiography, for assessment of myocardial viability and reperfusion following ST elevation AMI and reperfusion therapy, both by thrombolysis and by primary percutaneous intervention. He has published over 350 papers in peer-reviewed journals and led the publication of recommendation paper for the use of contrast agents on behalf of the EACVI in 2009 and 2017. He was also part of the writing group for the 2018 ASE guidelines on clinical use of echo-enhancing agents.